Fireplace Lounge

Fireplace Lounge

Fireplace Lounge

Fireplace Lounge

106 متر مربع
1141 sq. ft
الطول × العرض × الارتفاع
5,4 x 17,5 x 4,0 m
16 x 56 x 13 ft
No natural light

Fireplace Lounge

Finished in warm nature tones, the 3.5-metre-high fireplace dominates the room. 

The Fireplace Lounge can be extended in combination with falk’s Bar, the Atrium, the Cocktail Lounge and the Ballroom to form a single ensemble.


Discover the Fireplace Lounge in our virtual tour:

Room combinations and connection options

Maximum room capacity

نمط المؤتمر
20 أشخاص
32 أشخاص
80 أشخاص
100 أشخاص