Montgelas Parlour

Montgelas Parlour

Montgelas Parlour

Montgelas Parlour

Montgelas Parlour

59.6 متر مربع
635 sq. ft
الطول × العرض × الارتفاع
9,9 x 6,1 x 4,7 m
30 x 20 x 13 ft
Second floor in the Palais Montgelas
Natural light

Montgelas Parlour

A prestigious parlour, grandly decorated with antique paintings, historic inlaid parquet flooring and emerald green wall fabrics.  The Monteglas Parlour offers a uniquely ceremonial atmosphere, making it ideal for gala dinners or weddings. Thanks to connecting doors, the room can be linked with the King´s Halll and the Minister Parlour. It is located on the second floor of Palais Monteglas.

Technical equipment: state-of-the-art conference technology on request via our in-house Business Center.

Room combinations and connection options

Maximum room capacity

نمط المؤتمر
24 أشخاص
شكل U
22 أشخاص
21 أشخاص
28 أشخاص
40 أشخاص
صفوف الكراسي
40 أشخاص
50 أشخاص