Roof garden Lounge

Roof garden Lounge

Roof garden Lounge

118 متر مربع
1270 sq. ft
الطول × العرض × الارتفاع
10,6 x 14,0 x 3,1 m
33 x 46 x 10 ft
6th floor in the Hotel Bayerischer Hof
Natural light

Roof garden Lounge

Under the supervision of French design studio Jouin Manku, the Roofgarden was comprehensively redesigned and expanded to become a stylish place to meet. The modern room ensemble, with its colour scheme of green and white, boasts elegant wood. Alongside a large buffet area and two live-cooking areas, the new room also comes with an à la carte breakfast area in a modern lounge atmosphere with an open fireplace. This new and spacious event location can be combined with the Blue Spa – designed by Andrée Putman and featuring a pool, bar, winter garden and terrace – to form a single unit.

The show kitchen and bar can also be booked on request.

Room combinations and connection options

Maximum room capacity

80 أشخاص