Promenade Parlour

32.8 متر مربع
344 sq. ft
الطول × العرض × الارتفاع
6,1 x 5,3 x 3,5 m
20 x 16 x 10 ft
First floor in the Palais Montgelas
Natural light

Promenade Parlour

This parlour is presented in the historic empirical style with its typical strong green colours. Two consoles decorated with gold with green marble slabs and different oil paintings decorate the walls of this room steeped in history.

The Promenade Parlour features an access door to the Red Parlour and is located on the first floor of Palais Monteglas.

Technical equipment: state-of-the-art conference technology on request via our in-house Business Center.

Room combinations and connection options

Maximum room capacity

نمط المؤتمر
12 أشخاص
15 أشخاص
16 أشخاص
صفوف الكراسي
16 أشخاص
20 أشخاص